His eyes are like mystical legends:
What stories they could tell.

Strands of silk is his flowing mane;
It rises and falls like waves.

Graceful is his body, and yet strong;
Majestically does he walk.

His streaming tail is like a flag;
Proudly he carries it.

Like flint upon steel are his hooves:
When he runs, fire flashes.

Powerful is his wild trumpet call;
His neigh, a thunderclap.

He travels on the wings of the wind;
The pace he chooses is swift.

My endurance is great, brave is my heart.
Who am I? I am the horse.

I hope you like it.

Take care,
Tom Fleury

([email protected])Thu, 02 Jun 2011 00:23:49

A noble aspiration indeed. I wish you every success in your mission to provide a safe haven for those in need of rescue and respite from today's ills. It's beyond my understanding how people can make animals suffer and treat each other so badly. Just as well there are still some people in the world like you.

Thank you Tom you are very kind, I too am unable to comprehend how cruel people are, we are supposed to be intelligent but the more cruelty I see and hear the less I believe it.  Only those who fight the battle against cruelty towards any creature shows true intelligence as are those who are tollerant of other people, life is life and very sacred and precious and should be treated as such.  Julia